" the idea that most of the world seemed so infatuated, so seduced by what they saw as the magic of technology."
nano11072013 session on rkd library laptop via yahoo because i cannot figure out how to use the rest of the machine. start 5:07pm
So here was the wrimoer, a day later perhaps, working on device at the local library. The device was so new fangled that she had no idea how to work it. This caused her to feel frustrated and angry. It had a long horizontal landscape style screen or window which she could not find a way to make smaller and easier to read. The words just stretched across the page like a highway. Again there was the problem of technology and how it rigid it could be, so opposed to natural human functions. It so often felt as tho the people responsible for making this stuff were so infatuated with it that they had no sensitivity to how human beings actually functioned. "Well, they can just do it this way, however way we say it has to be. That is how they are going to have to deal with it." Those were the kinds of ideas that she imagined these people thought, or at least thought beneath all their other thoughts. She felt it was always a kind of unconscious power struggle or
game going on. That was what made her so angry and frustrated. Not the actual problems with the mechanisms. It was always the meanings she read into the problems. The meanings she believed were underneath it all. There were two core ideas here.
There was the idea that most of the world seemed so infatuated, so seduced by what they saw as the magic of technology. As if the magic was actually IN the technology. It seemed as if no one could see anymore that the magic could only come from the living beings, the spirit that comprised the living beings, who used the technology. This always reminded her of the story of the Golden Calf. Did it used to be called Idolatry? Perhaps it still was.
The other idea was the power struggle or the power games. She hated that people were so caught up in the need to play with their powers over others. Reflecting on this idea, she considered, "What if there was a way around these power issues? What if one could find another way to look at it so that the power issue was meaningless?" 5:25pm
nano11072013 rkd lib session part 2 resume 5:31 p
Now that she had been interrupted in her writing by feeling the need to save her writing and send it to her device at home just as insurance against losing all the writing, she was somewhat able to resume. Now she did not have handy to review whatever she had just sent off. All the things she wanted to do, that she was normally able to do, were hidden away in the mysteries of using a new device, one that angered her. She supposed though there might be a bit of good that came from having to try something that forced her to work differently than the way she was used to. This was a bit like the paces she put her adult art class students through. By having to do things differently or to look at things differently they were hopefully exercising other parts of their selves. They were hopefully broadening their capabilities, stretching their minds, developing more flexibility in their thinking. She supposed she could accept this as a justification of why it was
a good thing to have to deal with these inconveniences.
But where had she left off with her thinking?
And now she was reaching a point of wanting to pack it in. The screen was hard to look at. It made her eyes a bit bonkers to look at the screen. The floaters in her eyes seemed to float around more obviously. There was no good position for her glasses. They sat on her head rather than on her nose where she could look thru them. They were almost useless to her at the distance she had to hold the device from herself. She was sure that the broad expanse of screen, with writing going so far across it instead of in a smaller window would cause an even more dizzying effect than she normally experienced. As one looked within the screen, with the endlessly stretching expanse of text it was a sea with no horizon - almost the kind of vision that caused vertigo because there was nothing to focus on. She was looking at the text characters as they appeared across the screen from her typing fingertips. This was not a focusing on one spot. Dancers had to learn how to
focus on one spot in order to keep practicing pirouettes without getting dizzy.
nano11072013 part 3 start 5:48p
The wrimoer had sent off the second section, again to insure it would be saved. There was no way to judge how far she had gotten in the word count to meet the daily quota. She had not even expected to be sitting there in the library doing the writing. She had decided earlier that she would not do the writing. Here she was again in this back and forth decision making that drove her crazy. She had checked out information on how long one could borrow the library equipment. One could use it longer than one could use the public computers. That seemed a good thing. When the staff person on duty told her in answer to her question that there was a device available, she did not question that the device might not be available in a moment. It occurred to her to ask if that was a likelihood. Yes it was. Perfect salespitch, tho they were not really selling anything. That alone was enough to prompt the wrimoer to claim the laptop. Now here she was writing, the usual
She and the staff members had had a little discussion about that. But she had been so busy telling her side of the story, that she had not gotten to hearing what they thought of this whole challenge. She told them how she was questioning the whole nature of it, that she could not see why it should be done once one had proven to oneself one could indeed write that much in that time span. Supposedly the idea that others were doing it at the same time was a spur that helped one accomplish one's mission. But did one always need such spurs if one knew one wanted to do something? She always felt the problem for her was in deciding what she wanted to do. Once one had decided or knew one wanted to do something, it was not that hard to do.
She felt her arms and wrists were starting to tire. It had been a long writing haul the evening before. After she had finished that session she had believed she would be continuing. But the next day brought its waffling again.
The Nano organization had even sent out a message because they knew this was the beginning of the difficult times for many Nanoers. This was when they doubted their writing efforts, doubted the value of anthing they had written. Just writing these ideas made her consider them again. That message had been written to the Nanoers as if it was the collective characters of all the Nano begun creations crying out or pleaing to continue to be given life to. She had to consider that aspect. Could she deny a fulfilment for her effort as far as it had come already? Would she now be stuck having to do it?
At least so far she had not yet done the writing in the morning. It had all been evening writing. At least she knew she could do the writing in the evening instead of the morning. The benefit of doing it in the morning was the satisfaction of having gotten at least that creative venture done for the day. One could feel virtuous about that. But this was not supposed to be like work she felt. One should treat it as play, as experiment. Still, it was good to know she could do it before bed. One could then write as much as one wanted to. In the morning, though one got it done, one was far too aware of how much time it was taking up, cutting into the day, a day that was always a problem to arrange and make decisions about in the mostly unstructured days she engaged in.
Her comments that day from social media (fb), but missing a crucial one she could not find again.
Hah! But we still cannot prove whether we are dreaming or not. So i never see how this is a 'fact'. It is a 'fact' within a given story/assumption/theory/set. All bets could be off. .. Sorry, I just dont buy the 'chance' theory. I would not even want to exist under that circumstance. Seems like what would be the point? (imho)
B - I should rephrase - to me there is no point if it just accident. Or, the 'point' then is that the only worthwhile thing is 'accident'. and, elsewhere, why is it assumed that the only definitions of 'God' etc are those conceived so long ago? I hope I had not implied that. Why is it assumed that 'God' or 'Sacred Intention' is something separate from anything/being else? ...Yes yes yes P.
The lesson w the kids was not planned to go the abstraction route but the demo drawing from adult class was still on the board. I could not resist having class guess what they could see or make from the board examples. That was too literal a challenge tho. We moved on to each student drawing their own challenge. They had to find a creature as soon as they made each abstract sample. They did not get to do all 4 at once and then find creatures. Some take it very literally and believe they should be looking for a creature that really resembles the real life version. My challenge next time will be to make the 'abstraction' aspect more understood by all. So many routes to go. ...But then when they got to work directly from the Hultgren examples their adeptness amazed! So..
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found the other comments:
You have to get people to interact and keep interacting w the page - that is the only way fb will serve your pages more. i think it is a losing battle:( The other way is to 'promote' the post (bucks I think). It is not the kind of posts that fb goes by. it is the stickiness and the level of interaction its algos judge by. good luck! if you can get your people to keep checking the page AND liking or commenting, that can help. But that is hard to do because people mostly operate from whatever is simplest for them. They may think they are interacting the way you need, but fb is just too complicated that way for most!
How about cars and alcohol? Doesn't the use of them kill far more people? Oh yes and texting/cellphones.. We can go on a bit about it. And the military. What about cigarettes? They are still permitted.
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